CAPES - AGREG Teaching

This page displays some of my lectures and teachings (in French), in PDF, at the "prépa CAPES and prépa AGREG". There are also the International Stratigraphic Charts (in English) which are also available since 2004. You can get ACROBATE for free at this adress:

Teaching at the "Préparation au CAPES de SVT"

*Since the school year 2010/2011 the CAPES examination has dramatically changed. The old fashion tests, called leçons, will not be uppdated but will stay on line. Hence, teaching at the "Préparation au CAPES et à l'Agrégartion de SVT" is divided in two parts. The first one, called "interventions CAPES", will display teachings and lectures corresponding to the new CAPES version and, the second one called "Leçons", corresponds to old fashion CAPES.
*In between the two parts, there is a section called "Stratigraphic chart" where the International Stratigraphic Chart, established by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS) is available in English. All the International Stratigraphic Charts since 2004 are available with some personnal comments.

CAPES and AGREG teaching (all in French)

  • Paleontology
    CAPES : Cnidaria CAPES : Trilobita CAPES : Brachiopoda
    AGREG interne (Paris 6)
    Primates evolution
    Lecture and handout
    (October 2017)
    Apes and Humans
    Lecture and handout
    (December 2012)
    Licence LISBV3 (Paris 7)
    Human evolution
    Lecture, Handout
    and Power Point
    (March 2021)
    Lecture, Handout
    and Power Point
    (February 2023)

  • Stratigraphic chart

      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2022 by theInternational Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        The International Stratigraphic Chart does not differ significantly from the previous one regarding the Cenozoic.
        Only one golden spike has been associated with the Priabonian (late Eocene, between 37.1 Ma and 33.9 Ma).
        The famous Anthropocene period still does not exist.
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2020 by theInternational Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        This year, the Middle Pleistocene has been named "Chibanian" and a golden spike has been associated to it.
        A golden spike has been also associated to the Hauterivian.
        The famous Anthropocene period still does not exist.
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2018 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        This year, three golden spikes have been added for subdivide the Holocene serie in three stages.
        The famous Anthropocene period still does not exist.
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, the most recent in French (2012) by the International Commision on Stratigraphy
        (ICS). Most English names are very close to French names..
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2010 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        Only one Golden Spike has been haded for the Ettangian, base of the Jurassic and there is no changes on the International
        Stratigraphic Chart during the year 2011 .
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2009 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        Note the definitive position of the Quaternary as a Period/System of the Cenozoïc with a new inferior boundary dated to
        2,588Ma (see under). The Gelasian, which was intergrated to the Pliocene, corresponds now to the base of the
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2008 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        Note the two limits for the Quaternary. After numerous debates the top of the magnetic event of Olduvai have been
        chosen to define the base of the Quaternary with an age of 1,8 My. This limit is cosmopolite but arbitrary. Nowadays
         there are discussions to start the Quaternary with the Gelasian stage. Note also that the Lower and Middle Pleistocene get
        again a name, respectively Calabrian and Ionian.
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2007 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
        Note the reappearance of the Quaternnary, even if there is still no consensus about it.
      - International Stratigraphic Chart, published in 2004 by the International Commision on Stratigraphy (ICS).
       Note the new Period "Ediacarian" at the end of the Neoproterozoic.

    Leçons CAPES

  • Leçons :
      - L'évolution des Hominidés (uppdated in 2010).
      - Les environnements de l’homme préhistorique.
  • Leçons :
      - La sortie de l'eau.
      - Les grandes étapes de l’évolution des Vertébrés.
  • Leçon :
      - Les glaciations au cours des temps géologiques.
      - Les événements majeurs du Quaternaire en France Métropolitaine.

  • Contact me
    Neandertal , Neanderthal , Homme moderne , Homo sapiens , Homo sapiens sapiens , Homo neanderthalensis , Homo sapiens neanderthalensis , Épaule , Architecture , Biomécanique , Humérus , Scapula , Omoplate , clavicule , Évolution , Extinction , Spéciation, pdf , CAPES , SVT